Sacrament Preparation

The divine life offered by the Lord through the Catholic Church is opened to souls through the Sacramental Life by the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, the Holy Eucharist, Marriage, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick. Please contact the office or speak with a priest if you have questions.


Parents who have children under the age of 7 who have not been baptized are encouraged to contact the office to sign up to take a baptism preparation course. At the conclusion of the course, the celebration of baptism will be scheduled. Baptisms are typically scheduled on the 3rd weekend of every month, with Baptism classes held the first Sunday of the month between the Masses. Baptisms may be celebrated inside and outside of the celebration of Mass.  There is no fee for preparation for this sacrament.  



Children over the age of 7 who have been baptized in the Church receive the Sacraments of 1st Penance & 1st Holy Communion in the 2nd grade at St. Joseph Church..  Accommodations may be made for children who have not received these sacraments by the completion of their 2nd-grade year.  If you would like your child to receive these sacraments, please email Elizabeth Fiol



The Sacrament of Confirmation is usually received by those youth 16 years old and in the 10th grade who have already by baptized and received the Sacraments of 1st Penance & 1st Holy Communion.  The fee for the class to prepare for Confirmation is $75.00.   You may pay for this class by clicking the Donate Now button at the top right of this page, or with a check payable to St Joseph Church noting that it is for confirmation prep. For more information please contact the office.

Those adults who have been baptized in the Catholic Church who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation are encouraged to contact the office to speak about the requisite formation. A plan for the individual instruction of the faithful can be accommodated.

Those youth and adults who have been baptized in another Christian tradition and are interested in being received into the Catholic Church are requested to speak with the priest, or the parish coordinator of religious education to discuss possibilities for the reception of the Sacraments.



Those couples interested in entering into Marriage are requested to contact the office to begin necessary preparations. Weddings will be scheduled after consultation with the priest. Generally, preparation for marriage begins at least six months before the desired date of marriage. 


In the Roman Catholic Church, the Sacrament of Holy Orders is reserved to men. Young men interested in learning more about the Sacred Priesthood are encouraged to contact the parish priest or the Vocations Office for the Diocese of Richmond.


If you or a loved one are in need of pastoral care, please contact the office. In emergencies please contact the priest (804) 733-3115 ext. 1 [this number does not accept text messages].